The Project
- Interoperable platooning — when forming a scalable, multi-brand convoy – the vehicles must be compatible to ensure correct and safe operation. The project has defined two different ways of platooning, of which one will be implemented and demonstrated in the project, whilst reflecting the full diversity of trucks.
- Safe platooning — in ENSEMBLE designing fail-safe and fault tolerant mechanisms is a priority to include safe interaction both within the platoon and with other road users using secure wireless communication. ENSEMBLE will approach the road authorities to jointly define road approval requirements taking into account the impact of platoons on the road and infrastructure.
- Real-life platooning — Practical tests on closed testing grounds and in real life serve to an experience of ‘learning by doing’, to assess the impact on traffic and infrastructure and to promote multi-brand platooning through a presentation of a multi-brand platoon in real traffic conditions across national borders.
- Embedded platooning — ENSEMBLE will design an interface to cloud-based services so that the platooning concept can be seamlessly integrated into the logistic value chain.
ENSEMBLE concludes there are two levels relevant for specifying platooning functions:
- Platooning as a support function (including longitudinal control);
- SAFETY improvement
- Driver assistance
- Traffic fluency by coordinated and harmonised acceleration and deceleration of trucks
- Platooning as an autonomous function (both including longitudinal and lateral control, system responsible, ODD still to be defined).
- Fuel efficiency
- Logistics operation eficiency

It is the explicit aim of this project to take important steps of technological research before full deployment of multi-brand truck platooning. ENSEMBLE wants to communicate the economic, societal and environmental impact of decisions surrounding platoon forming and dissolving. ENSEMBLE also strives to modernize the transport system by finding an optimal balance between fuel consumption, emission level, travel times and impact on highway traffic flow, resulting in reduced impacts on climate change, air pollution, noise, health and accidents.

Below you find a list of ENSEMBLE public deliverables you can consult anytime. The public deliverables are regularly uploaded in the Library section of this website for download. The deliverables currently available in the library have not been approved by the European Commission yet.
- D2.1 Requirements Review from EU projects (available in the Library)
- D2.2 V1 Platooning usecases, scenario definition and Platooning Levels (available in the Library)
- D2.3 V2 Platooning usecases, scenariodefinition and Platooning Levels (available in the Library)
- D2.4 V1 Functional specification for white-label trucks (Operational & Tactical layers) (available in the Library)
- D2.5 Final Version Functional specification for whitelabel truck (Version A) (available in the Library)
- D2.6 V1 Functional specification for intelligent infrastructure (Strategic/Services layers) (available in the Library)
- D2.7 V2 Functional specification for intelligent infrastructure (Strategic/Services layers)
- D2.8 Platooning protocol definition and Communication strategy (available in the Library)
- D2.9 Security framework of platooning (available in the Library)
- D2.10 Iterative Process Document and “Item Definition” (available in the Library)
- D2.11 Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment and Functional Safety Concept (available in the Library)
- D2.12 Preliminary Safety Case
- D2.13 SOTIF Safety Concept (available in the Library)
- D2.14 Final version Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment and Functional Safety
Concept - D2.15 Final version Iterative Process Document and “Item Definition”:
- D4.1 Assessment of platoon axle loads on road infrastructure
- D4.2 Results of Service & strategic layer design
- D4.3 Analysis of market needs, business models and lifecycle environmental impacts of multi-brand platooning
- D4.4 Presentation of use cases for driving simulatory studies (available in the Library)
- D4.5 Platoon drivers behaviour during real life tests
- D4.6 Traffic simulation
- D4.7 V2 - Platoon and other road users: a simulation study
- D5.1 Demonstration and test plan (data acquisition and data management) (available in the Library)
- D5.2 Validation results of Multi-brand platoons on Test Track
- D5.3 Test results for obtaining the license exemptions
- D5.4 Operational tests of multi-brand platoons on Open Roads
- D5.6 Final Demonstration Report
- D5.7 Final version Demonstration and test plan (data acquisition and data management)
- D6.1 Dissemination and communication plan (available in the Library)
- D6.2 ENSEMBLE Printed material (available in the Library)
- D6.3 ENSEMBLE digital presence (available in the Library)
- D6.4 ENSEMBLE Brochure Final event
- D6.5 ENSEMBLE Bibliography
- D6.6 V1 ETPC Meeting Records
- D6.7 ENSEMBLE LoI (available in the Library)
- D6.9 ENSEMBLE Recommendations and Roadmap
- D6.10 ENSEMBLE regulatory framework – state of the art (available in the Library)
- D6.11 V1 Report on mutual recognition
- D6.12 V2 Report on mutual recognition
- D6.13 Future recommendations
- D6.14 Truck Platooning Projects, Programs and Cooperation groups
- D6.16 V2 ETPC Meeting Records
- D6.17 Proceedings of ENSEMBLE final event